Full IMAGE Makeover

Leave your old ways behind and introduce simple changes that will make you feel like a new woman.
With expert advise on Full Image Makeover, ranging from the right clothes that flatter your figures, what accessories will compliment your look, to how to wear your makeup, and which hairstyle will be best for your face shape. It couldn’t be easier to change your look and change your life.

As a professional Image consultant, makeup artist, color expert, and fashion stylist, I role color, makeup, and styling  into one consultation to give you a very personal makeover.
A full image makeover includes:
  • A Color Analysis Draping to discover your best colors.
  • A makeup consultation to learn how to apply your matching makeup shades.
  • Advising you on the hair color and style that suit your specific face shape.
  • A styling consultation to discover your style personality and make clothes and accessories work for your body shape, lifestyle and budget.
  • Plus a style update on the season’s trending colors and styles.

At the end of the session you will get: a 42-color swatch-wallet to use as a guide when shopping, a personalised make-up tutorial handout, a personalised style workbook full of advice and tips.

Color Analysis Drapingyou will discover which shades suit your natural coloring and how to wear them.
Styling Consultationyou will be shown the best styles for your body shape and your personal tastes as well as how to co-ordinate them.
Makeup lessonyou will find out your best makeup colors and receive essential advice on application techniques and how to make your makeup last longer, together with advice for special occasions.